Ladies Elapsed Time


Sailed:4, Discards:1, To count:3, Ratings:USPN, Entries:3, Scoring system:Appendix A
Rank Nett Total Boat Class SailNo Helm R1-6/18 R2-6/18 R3-8/27 R4-8/27
1st 4.0 7.0 Freya J22-NFS 1014 Lisa Rodriguez 0:21:20 (0:31:10) 0:28:33 0:28:10
2nd 4.0 6.0   ENNFS 1226 Christine Stebbins (0:25:45) 0:33:57 0:30:51 0:33:25
3rd 9.0 13.0 Blue Meanie J24NFS 2142 Mary Schmidt 0:23:01 0:30:40 (DNC) DNC

Scoring codes used

DNCDid not come to the starting area4

Sailwave Scoring Software 1.95 Build 8